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Naturopathic Weight Loss

A full naturopathic intake will be done to determine the most effective weight loss protocol for YOU! Not only will we address diet and exercise but can determine if there might be hormonal causes for the stubborn weight gain, including high cortisol from stress, poor blood sugar management, estrogen excess or menopause as well as low thyroid hormone. We also may work on improving sleep, boosting energy and mood or controlling cravings.

Frequent follow up visits every 2-4 weeks will help keep you on track and may also include acupuncture to stimulate movement of the fat and improve digestion as well as address any other complaints including depression, anxiety, insomnia as well as many more. B12 and folic acid injections may be done in these visits to improve mood and energy as well as help with mobilizing fat stores. Additional support may include IV therapy, nutritional or herbal supplementation and/ or IM injections such as B12 or the Slim boost

Supplements and tests are based on the individual case and there is not a standard for everyone so costs do vary. Additional visits may be required, as patients tend to lose weight at different rates and in differing amounts of time based on their sex, amount of weight to lose and other concerns. 

In very resistant cases, we may decide to utilize prescription drugs to support your efforts including GLP-1 agonists and/ or HCG.

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